LOTE Department


1. ÇokiyigöbekatanKazana ne denir?
2. Elsizbabaya ne denir?
3. Adamınbirihamamagitmiş, terlememiş. Neden?
4. HakanŞükürsahadasakatlanırsaonukimtasır?
5. Birelmayıyerkenkurtbulmaktandahakötüolannedir?

Cevaplar: 1 iyioynayankazansin! 2. Noel baba. 3. Cunkuadam No-termis. 4. HakanTasiyan. 5.yarimkurtcikmasi.

Physical Education Department

This term the high school students have been participating in a number of exciting fitness tests, pushing students to the limit and recording their fitness levels at the beginning of the year. These tests measure endurance, speed and strength.

These tests included:

Here is what some of the students had to say about these tests:

I think these tests really test your abilities in sport- Shan Berih
It’s really competetive-
Ali Al-Jaber
It’s a good way to show what you need improvement in-
Adem Custovic

Science Department

Year 7 students had their first practical about bouncing ball. Students improved their knowledge about different variables and how different factors can effect on experiment. They tried to explain different type of variables in this experiment. They also learned how to interpret their results on the graph.

Having fun learning about Science

Year 10 Science:

Semester One students will be covering multiple facets of Physics including motion, forces, energy and electricity. The course will include theory and practical work where students are expected to design and execute their own experiments. Furthermore, an excursion to reinforce the concepts being taught will be organised for Term Two. This subject explains the science behind things we take for granted day to day, therefore making the subject engaging so that the students may relate to it. Semester Two science covers the chemistry and biology of day to day life.

VCE unit 1 & 2 Biology:

VCE Biology looks into depth. Topics including cells and their functions, how the plants, animals and humans survive and reproduce and finally looking at the genetics of plants, animals and humans.

This is an accelerated course where students are completing and achieving content one academic year ahead. This course gives students the taste of what VCE expectations are and prepares them for 2017 VCE life at Sirius College.


Students are expected to build and program robots with specialised Lego components. The student’s robots will be able to function autonomously. The top robots will be entered into a national robotics soccer competition where the students will battle it out with other robots across Victoria and the nation.

Science Challenge

Science challenge is an exciting project based learning process. Students are broken up into groups and are expected to research, design, develop and/or even build whatever science or technology concepts they want.

Some projects this year include nail polish that can change colour, a highlighter that fades away, researching the correlation between mobile phone use and brain tumours etc.

At the end of the year the student’s project will be submitted to CSIRO (Australia’s peak scientific body) for assessment and awards.

Arts Department

7A Creative Arts Stars

Hello, my name is Rohan Morrison. In 2016 I will be teaching the new Year 7s Art classes. After meeting my new students, I have found them to be friendly and keen to make thoughtful Artworks. Our Year 8s are exploring Australian landscapes, and 9/10s are studying Graphic Design packaging.

Proud Year 8 students

I also take 9/10 girls and boys Music class. The girls are enjoying playing new songs and their talent continues from last year. The boys are picking up the keyboard tunes quickly though they are hesitant to sing. Hopefully we can find a singer as their talents are unfurled throughout the year.

Having fun learning new musical instruments

Folk Dancing Elective

Dear parents, students, families and friends

This year, some of our dedicated year 7 and 8’s will be taking Turkish Folk Dancing classes as an elective. I first began dancing when I was 6 years old and have been in this dance industry ever since. I have performed hundreds dances during my lifetime, most of them at many events around Melbourne. I’ve been broadcasted on television as well as performed at the Melbourne Arts Centre, Hamer Hall, Federation Square and the Exhibition Centre. My largest audience was one of 2000 people and I have taught at 3 different folk dance groups around Melbourne where I taught hundreds of kids. I am very passionate about this and want to share my knowledge and passion with the year 7s and 8s at our wonderful campus.

On the border between Europe and the Middle East, facing three seas, Turkey has a complex, sophisticated culture, reflected in a variety of dances. Nearly every city in the Turkish culture has its own unique dance and distinct music. This means that there are many different types of folk dances performed in various ways in Turkey, and these reflect the cultural structure of each region. The interesting thing about Turkish Folk Dancing is that every movement and every dance tells its own story. It also teaches students discipline and teamwork, while simultaneously keeping them fit and healthy.

This semester students will be learning the 'Horon' of the Black Sea. Horons appear very different from the folk dances in other parts of the country with their formation of tempo, rhythm and measure. Horons are performed, in general, by groups and their melodies are rendered very fast. When dancing, the high hand positions represent the high mountains, the swaying of the bodies represent the waves of the black sea hitting the shores and the leg movements represent the all so famous ‘hamsi’ fish that the Black Sea is well known for.

The students are full of enthusiasm and are enjoying these classes so far. We are all working hard to put together a great performance for the whole Sirius College family to see towards the end of the year. Can I kindly request that those students who do attend this elective, bring to school their PE uniforms, sports shoes and water bottles. Students will be required to change into their PE uniforms before class commences. It is a highly active class and students must be wearing comfortable activeb wear and footwear, as well as carry a water bottle with them at all times to replenish their thirst. Students will change back into their full school uniforms once Folk Dancing class has finished.

The students are not only have great fun in this elective, but are also staying fit and healthy. I look forward to updating you on our progress.

Kindest Regards,

Ms. Fusun